Preparing For Your First SUP Yoga Experience


SUP Yoga season is upon us, and we’re SUPER excited. However if you’ve never experienced SUP Yoga before or perhaps haven’t even heard of it, you may feel a little apprehensive about booking in for your first session.

So let’s explore what you can expect.

Firstly, let’s answer the big question…

What Is SUP Yoga?

SUP Yoga is yoga class conducted on a stand-up paddleboard. The stand-up paddleboards are normally tethered together around a floating pontoon or a series of weighted buoys to allow you to clip your stand-up paddleboard into a ‘floating studio’ (this keeps you and others from drifting out to sea during the lesson!) Your SUP Yoga teacher is normally positioned in front of you so you can easily see them, and you simply copy the positions and poses they create. SUP Yoga teachers will always adapt postures and poses to your ability level, comfort level or any injuries or challenges you may have. You don’t need to use your paddle during the session (only for paddling out to your ‘floating studio’) therefore your paddle will either me attached to your SUP or put in an anchored kayak floating nearby.

Now that we’ve uncovered WHAT SUP Yoga is, let’s look into a couple of tips and things to note to help you prepare for your first SUP Yoga experience!

(1) You will probably fall in but that’s celebrated in these sessions!

I remember when I attended my first SUP yoga experience, this was what I was most concerned about… “what if I’m the ONLY ONE who falls in?” However as soon as I arrived, our incredible yoga teacher made me feel right at ease. She made a deal with the class that every time someone fell in, she would fall in too and we’d all clap! Before long, everyone was in and out of the water constantly, our instructor was also constantly jumping off in all sorts of positions, and the air was filled with great energy and laughter! SUP Yoga is far from a serious yoga class. It’s all about exploring your balance, playing around like big kids, and ultimately having fun!

(2) You don’t need to be a great yogi!
Even the greatest of yogis may struggle with postures and poses in SUP Yoga. Being on a stand-up paddleboard is a great equaliser, meaning everyone is in the same boat (excuse the pun). So no matter what you’re experience level in normal studio yoga - even if you’ve never even done yoga before in a studio - the class will always go through the basics and teach your step-by-step how to approach each of the postures and poses.

(3) Some of the classic yoga poses you may already know are adapted for SUP Yoga

And for those who are familiar with studio yoga, you may spot some differences in your poses when taking part in a SUP Yoga class. Sometimes we need to adjust our alignment to assist with balance, sometimes we change a posture so that our toes/hands can steady us. Your SUP Yoga teacher will guide you on the day, so keep an open mind and get curious!

(4) Activewear is great to wear on top of your bikini/swimmers
Taking part in a SUP Yoga class you are likely to get a little wet (especially if you challenge yourself to try out every move/position/pose which may result in a quick swim!). If you don’t fancy falling off your board, it’s easy to avoid by staying low to the board, however you still may get a wet bottom/back/legs during your low-to-the-board postures. So we recommend wearing swimwear with activewear on top (e.g. a rashvest with UV leggings or normal sports leggings/shorts). This ensures your skin is protected from the glare of the sun, but also means you don’t have to worry about who’s behind you during your downward dog!

(5) Savasana is the besssssst

Ok so as we’ve discussed, SUP Yoga is all about FUN! It’s about trying new things, being curious, testing your balance, playing around with what feels good. However there is one part of the class that people do tend to take seriously, and you’ll probably like to too… and that’s, savasana (also known as corpse pose, also known as just lie on your board, listen to the birds and be rocked gently by the ocean). Savasana on a stand-up paddleboard is a dreamy experience. You’re lying down on your back, the ocean is gently rocking your board, your finger tips are grazing the water as the sun shines down on you, warming your body and your eyes are closed as you listen to the sounds around you - I guarantee in this pose, you will be wishing the SUP Yoga class would continue for longer!

So how do I go about getting into SUP Yoga?

Trying something new is always easier when you have a friend or a friendly face to go with you, right?

So that’s why She SUPs have organised some exclusive She SUPs x SUP Yoga classes with our friends at Flow MOcean in Manly, Sydney.

SUP Yoga with She SUPs means that you'll be welcomed into a supportive, no pressure, no judgement environment. We’ll set up a group WhatsApp before hand so you’ll be introduced to the group and if you’re arriving solo, you’ll have friendly faces to look out for. And no SUP experience or yoga experience is necessary!

We partner with Flow MOcean as they are one of the original SUP Yoga schools in Australia and have the most lovely female yoga teachers and will take great care of you on the water. Our groups are always friendly, supportive and inclusive, beginners are more than welcome (you can sit, stand or kneel for this paddle).

Ready to give it a try? Check out the calendar below to find out when our next SUP Yoga sessions are and book in to join us!

Can’t wait to see you on the water!

Vikki x


She SUPs has been experiencing some other paddlers/ SUP businesses replicating or copying our blog and instagram content without consent. Please remember a lot of hours and work goes into each and every post, and content posted by Vikki Weston and She SUPs is copyright of She SUPs Pty Ltd. Thank you!

Vikki Weston